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里贾纳出生在纽约一个紧密结合的中国移民家庭,以她的 4 英尺,一把英寸为首爪子(外婆),一个巨人族,飞到半个世界来帮助抚养她。通过他们,她扎根于强烈的亚洲身份,并教会了家庭、社区的价值以及不断为彼此展示的力量。 

Regina 毕业于密歇根大学,获得经济学和社会学学士学位;她的专业背景包括非营利医疗保健领域的体验式营销、筹款和特殊活动,以及 AAPI 公民参与组织的沟通/志愿者协调。通过 Rising Voices,她希望帮助创造鼓励快乐、赋权以及集体学习和解放的空间。在她的业余时间,你可以发现她很节俭,开始她似乎无法完成的书籍,并每天告诉她 5 岁的女儿 500 次“再说一遍,但用广东话”。她最喜欢的非英语单词是感叹词,通过简单的语调变化可以表示一百种不同的东西,比如“哎呀”。 “金筑居”(黄金修复)也是一个涂料词/概念。




Jasmine 出生在底特律的一个菲律宾裔美国移民家庭,在那里她由激进的父母抚养长大,始终参与行动并向权力说真话。 Jasmine 毕业于密歇根州立大学,获得詹姆斯麦迪逊学院国际关系学士学位,并获得哥伦比亚大学电影导演硕士学位。 Jasmine 将运用她在叙事叙事和交流方面的技能来帮助建立 APIA 社区和赋权。 马基巴卡!胡瓦格马塔科特!(“战斗!不要害怕!”)是她最喜欢的他加禄语短语之一。 

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达是第 1.5 代华裔美籍华人,出生于成都,在安大略省温莎长大。她为 Rising Voices 带来了对语言多样性、文化可访问性和可用性的热情,这源于她作为语言学家和软件开发人员的背景。达从代际关系、共享膳食以及恢复我们与地球和彼此的联系中找到灵感。

Legislative & Political Director

Henry was born in Vietnam and immigrated to the US with his family when he was eight. He grew up in the San Gabriel Valley (aka “the 626”), a vibrant Asian American ethnoburb of Los Angeles, where there are more boba shops than Starbucks. This upbringing has shaped Henry’s views of how we can care for family, build community, and practice solidarity outside the oppressive structures of white supremacy.


As Rising Voices's Legislative and Political Director, Henry is responsible for developing and advancing the organization’s policy priorities, issue campaigns, and electoral strategies. He joined Rising Voices as an APALA Civic Engagement & Organizing Fellow during the 2022 midterms, then came on board as the first policy manager. In that role, he led the organization's statewide legislative advocacy program, which most recently advocated for the successful passage of Michigan's first comprehensive language access law. Previously, Henry served as the Program Manager and LA Field Representative at the California Association of Nonprofits, helping nonprofits obtain state COVID-19 grants and advocating for student debt reform for nonprofit workers. Henry also worked under DC Mayor Muriel Bowser at the Mayor’s Office on Asian Pacific Islander Affairs, where he administered the District’s million-dollar grant to CBOs to engage hard-to-count residents during the 2020 Census, served as the language access compliance officer, and spearheaded the reporting of anti-Asian hate crimes in the District. He earned his BA in Public Relations and Marketing from American University



Caitlin Shimoura Goedert is also 延世 喜欢她的姐姐塞莱斯特。她于 2021 年毕业于韦恩州立大学,获得政治学学位。她对数字组织充满热情,很高兴能与密歇根的亚裔美国人社区成员建立联系。 Caitlin 的灵感来自她的妈妈 Irenita Shimoura Goedert 和她的两个姐姐。在空闲时间,Caitlin 喜欢与她的比特犬 Jasper 共度时光并观看《阿凡达》。

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AFAF 胡马云


Afaf Humayun 是第一代巴基斯坦裔美国穆斯林妇女和母亲。 She 拥有密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校人文与妇女与性别研究文学学士学位。在加入 RV 之前,Afaf 是伊斯兰奖学金基金的行政协调员和密歇根青年司法中心的通信和发展协调员。 她担任伊普西兰蒂地区社区基金和中州卫生网络区域健康公平咨询委员会的顾问委员会成员。 Afaf 是痛苦叙事的组织者,也是非黑人有色人种倡议的成员,该倡议旨在废除清真寺和穆斯林主导的空间中的反黑人。 

不工作时,可以发现 Afaf 写作、唱歌或与家人共度时光。 Afaf 喜欢听她讲述印度 Sheikhupur 的故事纳尼简(亲爱的外祖母)。

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Cultural Strategist

Kristine Patnugot is a Manila-born, Detroit-grown writer/producer. Crafted in LA and NY editing rooms, Kristine’s journey shaped an acute awareness of character and story. Her work draws on emotion and focuses on the liminal experience, the in-between, and moments of becoming as pertains to the intersections of ethnicity, race, class and gender. As a creator of the VH1 series TRANSform Me and producer/writer of the documentary, Style Exposed: Born Male, Living Female for the Style Network, Kristine’s work helped open the doors for transgender women of color on mainstream television, with TRANSform Me earning a GLAAD nomination for Outstanding Reality Program. For two decades, she worked in documentary, television, and commercials for HBO, PBS, CBS, A&E, National Geographic, Discovery, and others.


Now Detroit based, Kristine continues to pitch and develop ideas and works with local nonprofits producing, writing, and directing PSAs and political ads encouraging civic engagement. She is committed to increasing access for and amplifying the stories of women, immigrant, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+. Kristine has a BA in Film and Political Science from the University of Michigan and MA in Communication, Culture and Technology from Georgetown University.

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